Bitmoji Party

Play as your Bitmoji in a series of quick, fun minigames.

Project Overview

Bitmoji Party was Snapchat’s first ever game, released to its many 100s of millions of DAU through the chat drawer. Players could play as their Bitmoji, challenge their friends and play minigames together, live. Each minigame was structured as a 1vMany (Game Master selected randomly) with asymmetrical gameplay that kept each fresh, repeatable and long lasting - Bitmoji Party was one of the most popular titles on the platform even many years after its initial launch.

Role: Senior Game Designer

Senior game design role across a games content team of +- 10, and a wider Snap client and server engineering team of 100’s developing the platform launch over 2 years.


Core Gameplay

Co-designed the core gameplay alongside the studio’s Creative Director. Owned parts of the overall game structure, multiplayer systems design (subjects like matchmaking, privacy, friends & social), moment-to-moment feedback and UX.

Feature Leader & Visionholder

Led small strike teams to ship whole minigames, including leading the vision for each from concept to ship to live service. Pioneered the creation of the ‘intermission’ minigame which prioritized social systems over competition, including an in-engine photo booth, dance floor and physical shop.

Technical Design

Designed and implemented most of the User Interface alongside our UI Artist. Scripted and hooked-in numerous animation events. Scripted and delivered the fan-favorite photo booth feature for the intermission minigame.

Extended Gameplay & Player Reactions